August 2014 Jeremy Floyd
Our August 2014 speaker was Jeremy Floyd, who works at BPV Capitol management. Jeremy is a lawyer, inventor, and entrepreneur.
In addition to teaching digital marketing at the MBA program at UTC, Jeremy serves as the Chief Marketing Officer at BPV Capital Management. Before his current role, Jeremy was president of a local marketing firm. Jeremy has contributed to several books on digital marketing and writes a blog at and can be found on Twitter at @jfloyd.
Jeremy’s presentation on marketing was entitled Right Idea – Time – People, and grit to endure. That is, to have the right idea, at the right time for the market, with the right people on your team. Also consider the of your project as it pertains to the market.
Start with Why is a book he recommends. By starting with why you can address the pain point the market currently has and why your product or service will satisfy it. How connects Why with What and addresses specifically how your idea satisfies the market. What is the actual product or service and should be defined it in detail.
He also talked about the four worst words to hear: "I don't get it." You never want to hear those words when you are telling someone about your invention or product. Jeremy emphasized the art of story. People will get it if you tell a good story. He gave some tips, such as know your audience, talk about people, and defend without being defensive.
Jeremy stated that when marketing a consumer product, social media is very important to getting and keeping you and/or the product in front of the public’s attention. Blogs, forums, hangouts, etc. can be very useful in your marketing plan. He also suggested the book Strategic Digital Marketing.
He closed his presentation by saying, "show up, engage, and earn trust."